Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer la conférence finale du projet LIFE PASTORALP « GLOBAL CHALLENGES IN MOUNTAIN AGROPASTORAL SYSTEMS – Scientific evidence on impacts, adaptation and policies », qui vise à réunir des chercheurs, des décideurs politiques, des praticiens de l’agriculture et de la vulgarisation, des agriculteurs et des étudiants pour partager et discuter des questions actuelles et émergentes liées aux impacts du changement climatique sur les systèmes agro-pastoraux de montagne. Le débat sur ces questions, conçu au cœur des Alpes, complémenté par des expériences conduites par ailleurs en Europe et dans d’autres contextes (o mileux) de montagne, et générera de nouvelles idées et propositions qui seront diffusées et partagées au niveau mondial.
Nous rappelons que ceux qui ont soumis un résumé ont la possibilité de soumettre un article scientifique dans le thème de recherche intitulé « Climate-Smart Management in Grassland Ecosystems » du magazine Frontiers, bénéficiant d’une remise spéciale.
Pour obtenir la remise, les auteurs sont invités à s’inscrire au programme Frontiers Fee Support en remplissant le formulaire suivant :
Le résultat de chaque question sera communiqué par notre service d’assistance aux frais.
Les délais sont:
- Résumé: 31 juillet 2023
- Manuscrit: 31 décembre 2023
Où et quand
📍 Forteresse de Bard, Bard, Vallée d’Aoste (Où dormir à Bard et environs)
📅 15-16-17 Mars 2023
Télécharger le programme de la conférence
Programme (en cliquant sur les titres des interventions il est possible de télécharger les présentations utilisées)
Jour 1 (15/03/2023) – Ouverture de la conférence, discours liminaires et discussion avec les décideurs politiques et les parties prenantes (un service de traduction simultanée sera assuré dans la journée)
Modératrice: Marta Galvagno (ARPA – Valle d’Aosta)
14.00-14.40 Inscription et café de bienvenue
14.45-15.15 Ouverture et accueil
15.15-15.30 Camilla Dibari – University of Florence: “The LIFE Pastoralp project”
15.30-16.00 Carolina Adler – Executive Director Mountain Research Initiative, Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC): “Climate change in mountain regions: key findings from the IPCC’s sixth assessment and prospects for climate-resilient mountain social-ecological systems”
16.00-16.30 Uta Schirpke – Eurac Research, Institute for Alpine Environment; University of Innsbruck, Department of Ecology : “Global change impacts on ecosystem services of mountain grassland”
16.30-17.00 Maria Luisa Paracchini – European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Sustainable Resources Directorate: “Integrating scientific results into EU nature protection and restoraton policies”
17.00-17.30 Alessandro Rota – Assessorato Agricoltura e Risorse Naturali, Politiche regionali di sviluppo rurale: “Pastoralp results in operational tools for rural development programme 2023/27” – closing remarks and discussion
18.00-20.00 Apéritif brise-glace
Jour 2 (16/03/2023) – Conférence scientifique (en anglais)
9.00-9.30 Inscription
9.30 – 10.30 Session 1: Challenges and opportunities for mapping and modelling agropastoral systems (modérateur: Edoardo Cremonese – ARPA Valle d’Aosta)
Analysis and conservation of secondary grasslands: the case of Maiella National Park. Gigante, D.*; Angelucci, S.; Morbidini, L.; Pauselli, M.; Vizzari, M.; Di Cecco, V.; Bonini, F.; Madonna, L.; Valenti, B.; Di Martino, L. |*Dip. Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Ambientali, Università di Perugia, Italy
Large-scale mapping of shrublands in altitude pastures using the 20-m Sentinel-2 Normalized Anthocyanin Reflectance Index (NARI). Bayle, A.*; Choler, P. | *Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA, Grenoble, France
Characterization of Alpine Pastures using Multitemporal Earth Observation Data within the Climate Change Framework. Orusa, T.*; Farbo, A.; De Petris, S.; Sarvia, F.; Cammareri, D.; Borgogno-Mondino, E. | *Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (DISAFA), GEO4Agri DISAFA Lab, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy
Incorporating ecotone monitoring into alpine land management and biodiversity conservation: a pilot study from the Chamonix valley. Carlson, B.*; Bayle, A.; Bison, M.; Boulangeat, I.; Delestrade, A. | *CREA Mont-Blanc, France
10.00-11.30 Séance d’affiches et pause-café (poster_list)
11.30 – 12.30 Session 2: Challenges and opportunities for mapping and modelling agropastoral systems & Climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation (modérateur: Giovanni Argenti – Università di Firenze)
Monitoring pasture vegetation using satellite remote sensing: which images and workflow? Oriani. F.*; Aasen, H.; Schneider, M.; | *Agroscope – Swiss Center of Excellence for Agricultural Research, Switzerland
GPS tracking: Opportunities for a better understanding of the interactions between pastoralism and vegetation in high altitude pastures. Perron, R.*; Garel, M.; Bayle, A.; Choler P. | *Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LECA, Grenoble, France
Animal-borne sensors to monitor pastoral systems: opportunities and challenges. Schneider, M.*; Pauler, C. | *Agroscope – Swiss Center of Excellence for Agricultural Research, Switzerland
Pastoral management and climate have a comparable effect on the variation of botanical composition of alpine pastures: an evaluation over a 20-year time span. Pittarello, M.*; Nota, G.; Marengo, G.; Lombardi, G.; Lonati, M. | *University of Torino, Department of veterinary sciences, Italy
12.30-14.30 Déjeuner
14.30 – 15.30 Session 3: Climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation (modérateur: Gianni Bellocchi – INRAE)
Yield and nutritional quality of drought-resistant leys under extreme and contrasting climatic conditions. Probo, M.*; Dereuder, E.; Frick, R.; Frund, D.; Raymond, B.; Mariotte, P.| *Grazing Systems, Agroscope, Switzerland
Quantifying the environmental effects of pasture restauration though scrubland clearing combined with livestock management. Pascual, D*.; Pla, E.; Nadal-Romero, E.; Zabalza Martínez, J.; Lasanta T.; Foronda, A.; Reiné, R.; Barrantes, O.; Pueyo, Y.; Lana-Renault, N.; Ruíz-Flaño, P. | *CREAF, Barcelona, Spain
Re-grazing of abandoned mountain pastures to maintain soil functions and biodiversity? The case study “Brunnenkopfalm”. Dannenmann M.*; Jentsch A.; von Heßberg A.; Ramm E. | *KIT (Karlsruhe Institut for Technology), Campus Alpin; Garmisch-Patenkirchen, Germany
Using robust ruminants to preserve mountain pastures under global change conditions. Pauler, C.M.*; Lüscher, A.; Kreuzer, M.; Berard, J.; Schneider, M.K. | *Agroscope, Forage Production and Grassland Systems, Switzerland
15.00-16.30 Séance d’affiches et pause-café (poster_list)
16.30-17.30 Session 4 Governance under global changes: the interface between policy and science (modérateur: Philippe Choler – LECA)
A conceptual model of mountain socio-ecological systems to support multi-stakeholder collaborations on the governance of mountain regions and agropastoral systems. Cristofari, H., Urbach, D.*; Otero, I.; Reynard, E.; Guisan, A.; Randin, C. | *Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment, Assessment, Institute for Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland
Pyrenean Climate Change Strategy at the crossroads of science and political agenda at regional level. Vergèr D*.; Terrádez Mas J.; García Balaguer E.; Pascual, D. | * Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) of the Working Community of the Pyrenees, Spain
The national school of pastoralism (SNAP): first realisations. Battaglini L.*; Barbera F.; Bindi L.; Franca A.; Claps S.; Storti D.; Membretti A.; Omizzolo A.; Semplici G.; Nori M.; Arneodo G.; Tallone G.; Di Meglio F.; | * DISAFA, University of Torino, Italy
A multi-taxa approach in mountain ecosystems.Cerrato C.*; Ghidotti, S.; Rocchia, E.; Aimone, B.; Bionda, R.; Movalli, C.; Pedrotti, L.; Vettorazzo, E.; Viterbi, R. | * Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy
18.00-20.00 Apéritif
Jour 3 (17/03/2023) – Mise en réseau du projet, sur invitation (en anglais)
9:00-9:10 Giacomo Trombi (UNIFI) « Aims. methodology and expected outcomes of the networking meeting »
9:10-9:20 P. Borsotto (CREA) and F. Benvenuti (MASE, LIFE NCP) « Strengthening complementarity between the LIFE Programme and the CAP »
9:20-9:45 Tour de présentation de chaque projet invité:
- LIFE AGRICOLTURE, Luca Filippi (Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Emilia Centrale)
- LIFE GRACE, Luca Colombo (FIRAB)
- LIFE IMAGINE, Daniela Gigante (UNIPG)
- LIFE MIDMACC, Diana Pascual Sánchez (CREAF)
- LIFE SHEPFORBIO, Tommaso Campedelli (Dream)
- LIFE CLIMAMED, Maria Doula (BPI)
- POLLINATORS, Simona Bonelli (Butterfly Conservation Europe)
- SUSALPS, M. Dannenmann (KIT)
- Parco Natuale Mont Avic, Daniele Stellin
9:45-11:00 discussion pratique sur les principaux sujets
11:00-11:15 Pause café
11.15-12:30 résultats finaux, récapitulation
12:30-13:00 conclusion de la réunion
Thèmes des confèrences scientifiques:
🔎 Challenges and opportunities for mapping and modelling agropastoral systems
Mapping grasslands and agropastoral systems has become undoubtedly pivotal for global change studies, natural resource monitoring and management, desertification evaluation and or loss of biodiversity. Moreover, the abandonment of marginal land in combination with shrub encroachment and climate changes are critical factors in the continuing decline of Europe’s species-rich of semi-natural grassland habitats. Traditional mapping methods are time consuming and very costly, hence, alternative approaches (such as modelling, remote sensing products, machine learning) are becoming increasingly important to map changes in pastoral systems and detect mowing and grazing practices. This session welcomes studies analysing challenges and opportunities of using innovative approaches to model and map grasslands and pastoral systems.
🔎 Climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation
As climate change continues, and climate extremes such as droughts, heatwaves, and intense precipitation increase, it is important to advance our understanding of their impacts on ecosystem structure and function. Natural and managed ecosystems, such as mountain pastures, have indeed the potential to face future climate change challenges if preserved and sustainably managed. This session focuses on observational, experimental and modeling studies related to climate change impacts on mountain grasslands, pastures and other agropastoral systems. We also welcome studies investigating the role of agropastoral systems for adaptation and mitigation opportunities in mountain areas.
🔎 Governance under global changes: the interface between policy and science
The science-policy interface presents several challenges to both scientists and policy-makers, however, the growing severity of challenges imposed by climate change, and the policies needed to face them, implies that more frequent collaborations between scientists and policymakers are crucial. This session welcomes studies or experiences at the interface between policy and science in the context of mountain agropastoral systems, including the definition of adaptation or mitigation strategies or plans. The session aims also at describing the current gaps, challenges, skills and strategies facilitating the uptake of scientific knowledge in policy formulation and implementation.

Les systèmes agro-pastoraux de montagne sont confrontés à des défis globaux (changement climatique, utilisation des terres et changement social) auxquels les scientifiques doivent répondre. La conférence finale de LIFE PASTORALP, intitulée « GLOBAL CHALLENGES IN MOUNTAIN AGROPASTORAL SYSTEMS – Scientific evidence on impacts, adaptation and policies« , sera l’occasion de réunir des représentants du secteur (scientifiques, décideurs, techniciens et parties prenantes) provenant à la fois des zones d’étude de PASTORALP et d’autres régions alpines et de montagne pour présenter et discuter des principales questions de gouvernance biophysique, sociale et climatique affectant les systèmes agropastoraux de montagne. Ce sera l’occasion d’échanger des points de vue et d’acquérir des connaissances scientifiques sur ces questions, ouvrant ainsi la voie à de futures actions et synergies pour une transition écologiquement et économiquement durable.
Inscriptions à la conférence
Abstract Submission
La date limite de soumission des résumés est expirée.
Comité scientifique
- Vincenzo Angileri, JRC
- Giovanni Argenti, UNIFI
- Isabella Arpin, INRAE
- Bruno Bassano, PNGP
- Mauro Bassignana, IAR
- Gianni Bellocchi, INRAE
- Joël Bérard, AGROSCOPE
- Marco Bindi, UNIFI
- Richard Bonet, PNE
- Luca Colombo, FIRAB
- Philippe Choler, CNRS
- Edoardo Cremonese, ARPA VDA
- Murielle Della Vedova, PNE
- Camilla Dibari, UNIFI
- Gianluca Filippa, ARPA VDA
- Marta Galvagno, ARPA VDA
- Sandra Lavorel, CNRS
- Giampiero Lombardi, UNITO
- Claude Napoleone, INRAE
- Giovanna Seddaiu, UNISS
- Consolata Siniscalco, UNITO
Comité d’organisation
- Emmanuelle Brancaz, PNE
- Camilla Dibari, UNIFI
- Marta Galvagno, ARPA VDA
- Silvia Ghidotti, PNGP
- Anais Piccot, IAR
- Laura Stendardi ,UNIFI
- Roger Tonetti, ARPA VDA
- Ramona Viterbi, PNGP